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NNMTA Weekend JTT Results

July 22, 2013 10:02 AM
This weekend wrapped up the NNMTA Summer Junior Team Tennis League Season.  The year-end event was held on Saturday and Sunday, July 20 and 21, at the new Jerry Cline Tennis Center.  There was great tennis everywhere you looked!  Winners and Runner-ups will advance to the SWS Sectional Championships, which will be hosted here in Albuquerque on August 16th through the 18th.  The event will be hosted at our Jerry Cline Tennis Center again.  The theme for the Sectional Championships will be "CALLING ALL SUPERHEROS!"  There will be a superhero movie under the stars on Saturday the 18th.  There will also be an Adopt-A-Unit Project sponsored by the event.  Sectional participants will be encouraged to make a donation that will be shipped to an American military unit overseas. 
Here are the results from the weekend:  
18s Intermediate: 
Tanoan_18sThe Tanoan Team coached by Andy Cramer and David Krauss defeated the Sandorado Team coached by Brett Foreman.  The score was a close 28 to 23.  The La Cueva 18s team finished third.  
Players on the Tanoan Team shown to the right include:  Coach Andy Cramer, Ingrid Mauricia, Lydia Boisvert, Henry Collis, Pen Petry, Ben Krauss, Micaela Seazzu,  Shepard Moore, Josey McBrayer, Caroline Donahue, and David Krauss.  Not available for the picture was Gavin Korsan.
SandoradoPlayers on the Sandorado Team shown to the right are:  Coach Brett Foreman, Christian Fitzgerald, Kalin Baca, Hope Mielke, Clay Space, Kristin Trujillo, Miriam Jeppson, Colton Padilla, Mason Mellott and Ben Sasser.  
1​4s Intermediate:
LPTA_14sThe Lobo Performance Tennis Academy (LPTA) 14s team coached by Raul Scheller and managed by Maryanne Chavez barely defeated the Tanoan 14s Team coached by Andy Cramer and managed by Emily Collis. The score was a close 25-24.  The Jerry Dyche Tennis Academy (JDTA) Green team finished third. 
Pictured to the right is along the back row:  Coach Raul Scheller, Jhah Detvongsa, May Peters, Jack Daly and manager Maryanne Chavez.  In the front row pictured is Cienna Chavez, Nick Scheller and Emily Sims.  Not available for the picture was George Brunacini and Luke Lozano. Also, Coach Matt Neeld was not available.
Tanoan_14sPlayers on the Tanoan Team are shown to the right.  They are:  Mikayla Herrera, Hannah Boisvert, Julian Lee, Sophie Castlemain, Sage Min, Coach Andy Cramer, Maria Behrend, Thomas Donahue, Graham Collis and Ben McCormick.
12s Intermediate:
TCA_RattlersThe Tennis Club of Albuquerque TCA Rattlers team coached by Mark Baker defeated the La Cueva Bears Team coached by Dick Johnson.  The score was a 29 to 17.  The Belen #1 Team finished third. 
Players on the Rattlers team are shown to the right.  They are:  Elias Samaha, Cas Baker, Georgio Samaha, Coach Sissy Kelly, Cienna Chavez, Audry Johnson, Kilah Baca, Coach Mark Baker, Maria Behrend, Brandon Briganti and Nick Scheller.
In second place, pictured for the La Cueva Bears are:  Julian Lee, Coach Clare Donahue, Sage Min, Jason Lyons, Coach Dick Johnson,  Kallista Kunzler, Courtenay Leonard, Noah Rodney, Coach Sami Kempka, Francis Bui, Coach Lisa Silva, and Christine Bui. Missing from the photo are Michelle Casanova and Carl Doutt.
14s Advanced:
The 14s advanced team from the LPTA will also be attending Sectionals.  Representing the 14s team will be Maddy Chavez, Ivana and Carmen Corley, Hannah Contrucci, Hunter and Coleton Hootman, David Atkin, Abraham Yohannes and George Brunacini. 
18s Advanced: 
the 18s advanced team from TCA will attend also.  Qualifying on the Team are Chloe Lee, Louisa Mackenzie, Lindsey Harlas, Abigail Nielsen, Eli Echt-Wilson, Achyut Warrier, and Will Katzman.


