The 2012 USTA NNMTA Junior Varsity Year-End Tennis Tournament was hosted this weekend, April 14th and 15th, in the blustery winds, at the Jerry Cline Tennis Complex and Albuquerque Academy Tennis Courts. The finals were held Sunday morning with all "Academy vs. La Cueva" main draw final match-ups. After six tie breakers were played, the Albuquerque Academy teams walked away with a sweep of the main draw events. Check out the final scores below. Cibola, Manzano, Albuqueque High, and Hope Christian all finished with respectable wins in the backdraw rounds.
The USTA NNMTA JV League and Year-end Event was first hosted in the spring of 2001. The first schools to participate in this event included La Cueva, Highland, Del Norte, Eldorado and Cibola. Since that time, it has grown to serve from 300 to 350 participants each year. Schools from all over the Northern New Mexico area will play matches in a structured league season then compete for the JV title.
Special thanks to the City of Albuquerque for partnering with the Northern New Mexico Tennis Association in providing this tennis venue. Also, thanks to the ColemanVision Tennis Championships, a 75K Women's Pro Circuit Event and New Mexico Youth Tennis Foundation for their support. Here are your 2012 Junior Varsity Results:
Girls' Divisions:

Flight 1 - Main Draw Finals:
Albuquerque Academy (shown to the right with Coach Melissa Bash) defeated La Cueva: 3-3 (24-23)
Match Results:
Avery Addison (LC) def. Noa Torres Baker (AA), 6-3
Janelle Lee (LC) def. Courtney Leighton (AA), 6-1
Emily Romero (AA) def. Stephanie Djidjev (LC), 6-1
Mary Pat Abruzo (AA) def. Courtney Shipley LC), 6-0
Maddy Witt/Jessie Goldblum (AA) def. Lee/Shipley (LC), 6-4
Giana Leon/Samantha Rozemblum (AA) def. Alex Massey/Corinne Vaughan (LC), 6-2

Flight 1 - Consolation Back Draw Finals:
Cibola HS (shown to the right with Coach Sam Jenkins) defeated Santa Fe Prep : 4-2
Match Results:
McKay Mortensen (C) def. Kate Tomes (SFP), 6-3
Myla Borden (SFP) def. Kimberly Tran (C), 7-6
Diana Muniz (C) def. Sarah Raboff (SFP), 6-4
Serena Waller (C) def. Poppy Wilder (SFP), 6-2
Mortensen/Tran (C) def. Tomes/Mattie Duran (SFP), 6-2
Chloe Strickland/Molly Montgomery (SFP) def. Sarah Hall/Stephanie Balmer (C), 6-4

Flight 2 - Main Draw Finals:
Albuquerque Academy defeated La Cueva (Shown to the right with Sue Jollensten, NNMTA Program Director, presenting the awards. La Cueva was coached by Lorraine Gullett.): 6-0
Match Results:
Emma O'Connell (AA) def. Sierra Greenlee (LC), 7-6 (7-5)
Simin Liu (AA) def. Shannon Cole (LC), 6-3
Sarah Sheppard (AA) def. Nicole Goldas (LC), 6-0
Sansara Durvasula (AA) def. Naya Ezenyilimba (LC), 6-1
Sheppard/Cristina Dougherty (AA) def. Greenlee/Ezenyilimba (LC) 6-2
Tatiana Valdez/Claire Wu (AA) def. Ridha Anwar/Cole (LC), 6-1

Flight 2 - Consolation Back Draw Finals
Albuquerque HS (shown right with Coach Jessie Barreras) defeated Hope Christian: 5-1
Match Results:
Olivia Padilla (A) def. Chelsea Cantrell (HC), 6-4
Maya Stevenson (A) def. Caylyn Deane (HC), 6-2
Juliana Baca (A) def. Hannah Godfrey (HC), 6-0
Laurel Gann (A) wins by Default
Cantrell/Deane (HC) def. Naiyma Martin/Areana Goldman (A), 6-1
Baca/Stevenson (A) def. Godfrey/Catherine Deane (HC), 6-0
Boys' Divisions:

Flight 1- Main Draw Finals
Albuquerque Academy defeated La Cueva (shown right with Coaches Andrea Schunk and Dick Johnson): 6-0
Match Results:
An Truong (AA) def. Dennis Huang (LC), 7-6 (8-6)
Ian Tomkinson (AA) def. Joe Cooper (LC), 6-1
Chase Leighton (AA) def. Kyle Schwendemann (LC), 7-6 (7-4)
Michael Prossnitz (AA) def. Sean Phelan (LC), 6-3
Tomkinson/Leighton (AA) def. Huang/Albert Zua (LC), 7-6 (7-4)
Danny Brown/Josh Rabinowitz (AA) def. Schwendemann/ Cooper (LC), 6-3

Flight 1 - Consolation Back Draw Finals:
Hope Christian defeated Santa Fe Prep: 6-0 (By Default)
Hope Christian defeated the Bosque School Bobcats to advance to the finals of the backdraw. Santa Fe Prep was not able to return to the tournament on Sunday because of the snow in Santa Fe and transportation issues. Hope Christian is coached by Jim Willsie. The Hope Christian Roster included: Chris Schoenberg, Garrett Howington, Tyler Berg, Eyob Dawit, Brent Perron, Elijah Pryor, Hatthew Hudson, and Daniel Butler.

Flight 2 - Main Draw Finals:
Albuquerque Academy (shown right with Coach Ann Loose) defeated La Cueva: 4-2
Match Results:
Jack Keller (AA) def. Anand Mancherla (LC), 6-1
Will McCormick (AA) def. Roger Nordquist (LC), 7-6 (9-7)
Colton Paul (LC) def. Matt Guido (AA), 7-6 (7-2)
Mason Caldwell (AA) def. Daniel Zhang (LC), 6-2
Keller/McCormick (AA) def. Tyler Siska/Nordquist (LC), 6-4
Ryan Hodge/Jack Hodge (LC) def. Josh Hoeg/Connor Arndell (AA), 7-6 (7-1)
Flight 2 - Consolation Back Draw Finals:
Manzano HS (shown right with Coach Steve Wagner) defeated Bosque School: 5-1
Match Results:
Ryan Hensel (M) def. Jesse Bath (B), 7-6
Jay Wagner (M) def. Jake Berney (B), 6-0
Andrew King (B) def. Jaime Nieves (M), 6-3
Elliot Olmstead (M) def. Sam Burnett (B), 6-3
Wagner/Hensel (M) def. Bath/Berney (B), 6-0
Spensor Gomez Nelson/Alberto Ortega (M) def. King/Burnett (B), 6-4