Gary Stansifer Rides for Loren Dils Medical Fund

On June 18th, I am embarking on a cross-country bicycle ride, north to south along the Mississippi River, from International Falls, MN to New Orleans, LA. I'm riding with two other people and my sister will be our RV driver, meeting us at our camping destination each day. We plan to average about 85 miles per day to make the 1800-mile trip in 20-21 days. It's going to be quite an adventure!
I would like to dedicate my ride to my friend Loren Dils, and do my ride as a fundraiser for the Loren Dils Medical Fund. Loren was an elite college tennis player and went on to coach tennis at the University of New Mexico. His passion for tennis continues as he coaches his sons, Connor and Tanner. Loren has been living with ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease, for over 10 years and now requires a full-time assistant in order to navigate his daily life. Though Loren does have medical insurance, it does not cover the vast majority of his costs. Family and friends have pitched in to help keep his costs lower than average, but Loren's unreimbursed costs are still about $120,000 annually.
Please consider donating to my ride on Loren's behalf. Donations can be made through this GoFundMe page set up by Loren's twin brother Alan. You can donate a fixed amount of any size toward the ride as a whole, or you could donate per mile (for example 5 cents per mile = $90, 20 cents per mile = $360). Any amount is greatly appreciated. I will post updates on my facebook page from the start, along the route, and at the finish if you'd like to follow my journey -
Thank you very much for your kind consideration,
Gary Stansifer