Shellaberger hosted their first Fiesta Friday this past April 13th. They opened their doors to everyone in Santa Fe, kids both young and old, to play some fun tennis. Juniors ranging in age from four to twelve were invited to courts to experience how fun tennis can be.
Rocky Royer, one of the many teaching pros at Shellaberger, batted orange and red balls around with the older kids. Sue Jollensten (shown right with two players) and Becky Lee from the USTA NNMTA joined Jill Miyagawa, a teacher from Turquoise Trail Elementary School, with the little ones, where they bounced foam balls around and worked on their amazing racquet handling skills. Many of Jill's students had heard of the event and were there to learn more about tennis.
Corey Matney, the tennis director at Shellaberger, rotated the adults in mix and match play on the remaining courts. Both competitive and recreational social courts were available to join.
After the tennis fun, everyone enjoyed salad, spaghetti and breadsticks courtesy of Fiesta sponsor Olive Garden.
Shellaberger will be hosting the Free Fiesta Fridays every second Friday of the month - so put May 11th and June 8th on your calendars today for the summer schedule!
Shellaberger is hosting the Free Fridays in celebration of the re-opening of the tennis center under new ownership. Shellaberger's six indoor courts and the stadium court will be hopping with great tennis.
The Shellaberger Tennis Center is located at 1600 St Michael's Drive in Santa Fe. For more information on the Free Fiesta Fridays, contact the Tennis Center at 505-473-6144.