» Community Tennis

Community Tennis Association of Albuquerque


The CTA, a not-for profit organization, was founded in 1990. The purpose is to increase community participation by providing educational programs and events for people of all ages and abilities. This organization works alongside our city Parks and Recreation Department to identify and prioritize work to be done on city-run courts. Currently, improvements and additions are being made to city sites from bond money. The improvements include windscreens, on-court shade structures at Sierra Vista, and new ball machines and furniture for Sierra Vista and the Complex.  There is also a planned expansion at the Arroyo del Oso site of three more courts for a total of 9 courts.

In addition to their importance in helping improve court sites, the CTA also helps sponsor low-cost tournaments, a Fall Funfest, the USTA initiated Rock and Rally Festival which will be held each May, and a drop-in tennis program at Jerry Cline, the Albuquerque Tennis Complex, and Sierra Vista. The CTA has also helped sponsor junior tournaments and leagues, and the ColemanVision Tennis Championships. Money has also been donated in the past few years to the Lobo Tennis Club for an umpire’s chair and a new sound system to be used for Lobo men and women tennis team matches.

The CTA is always on the lookout for new members so they can continue to support the community. As a member you will have a significant impact on improving court conditions and programs for not only existing players but for youth and adults who are eager to learn the sport of a lifetime. The fee for membership is a low $10/person or $20 for a family (children under 18) for one year.

More information on drop-in tennis, city court sites, lesson dates, etc., can be found on the City of Albuquerque dropdown or by calling 848-1381.

