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Descriptions for the positions on the board of directors


The NNMTA Nominating Committee is beginning its task of submitting nominations for the 2005 NNMTA Board of Directors. The USTA Northern New Mexico Tennis Association is the local governing arm of the USTA and its affairs are conducted by the Board of Directors. The Board meets on the second Tuesday of each month. The term of office is one year according to By-Laws but two year commitments are encouraged in order to take advantage of knowledge learned during the first year. The BOD composition and a brief description of the job and time requirements follows below.

President: Principal executive officer of NNMTA. Presides at all meetings, appoints committees, ex-officio member of all committees except Nominating Committee; job requires many hours per week plus travel to the SWS Board of Directors meetings.

First Vice President: Assists the President and exercises all the powers of the President in his/her absence, incapacity etc.

Second Vice President: Assists the President and next in line to exercise powers of President if First Vice President chooses not to; serves as Chair of the Tournament and Sanctioning Committee which coordinates tournament schedules with league and other events and sends schedule to SWS.

Secretary: Keeps all minutes of meeting and sends to BOD and member organizations; sends out notice of annual meeting and certifies voting power and quorums; position requires more time than most others- several hours per week.

Treasurer: Responsible for financial management of NNMTA; prepares budget and budgetary processes; pays bills and maintains all financial records; position requires more time- several hours per week


Grievance: Chair responsible for enforcing By-laws and rules and regulations of the USTA, SWS and standards of conduct, fair play and good sportsmanship except for USA Leagues which has its own process; time required mainly attendance at BOD meetings.

Adult Senior Competitive: Oversees leagues and tournaments; also serves on SWS Adult Sr. Competitive Committee so travel to Phoenix in spring and fall: time requirement is on higher side.

Sr. Recreational: Oversees adult recreational programs like Corporate Cup and Rock and Rallies; liaison to SWS Sr. Recreational Committee but usually no travel involved; time requirement is on higher side.

Junior Competition: Oversees the junior competitive play, rankings, endorsements; liaison to SWS Jr. Competitive Committee so travel to Phoenix at least twice year and conference calls- the SWS Jr. Competitive Committee is very active as USTA is constantly changing High Performance rules, formats, etc. Time requirement is great.

Junior Recreation: Oversees junior recreational programs like USA Team Tennis Red League, USA Team Tennis for White Stars and Stripes as well as Blue Stars and Stripes; time requirement is great.

Chief of Officials: : Responsible for the overall direction and management of USTA tennis officiating within USTA Northern New Mexico.

Northern Counties: Represents northern area of CTA’s boundaries on BOD; Awards: Responsible for getting nominees for SWS and local end of year awards. Time requirement mainly from April to September.

Banquet: Responsible for function where awards are presented. Time requirement mainly in September and October.

Website: Gathers information for the site, inputs the data, updates monthly; approximately 2-3 hours per month.

Public Relations: Oversees public relations for NNMTA events; currently, also oversees website; sends information from NNMTA to SWS for its newsletter; time requirement depends mainly on website role.

Other Members at Large: BOD can have up to 15 members at large which include the committee chairs listed above. Other members at large come from tennis areas that someone is interested in. For example, the 2003 BOD has an official serving as a member at large. If someone is interested in recruiting new members, he/she could serve as a member at large in the membership category.

Now all this sounds pretty dry and boring but several very important details have been left out. First and foremost is the fact that serving on the BOD and working to further tennis in NNM is FUN. The Board works hard but manages to socialize and have fun also. Second, NNM has had great success in having co-chairs for committees in order to lessen the work load and lessen hours required. Other CTAs in SWS have seen our success with co-chairs and are beginning to do the same thing. Third, NNM has lots of people who have been involved in all areas of tennis and they are more than eager to train new BOD members and help them learn about all the programs. The Nominating Committee is looking for people who want to give back to tennis and keep the tennis program in NNM going strong so we are back to looking for a FEW GOOD MEN AND WOMEN to join in on NNMTA’s work and FUN.

Contacts: Sarah Ortmann, Nominating Committee Chair, sbortmann@aol.com or 797-9025.


